Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Irish Folk Music and Background of the band Gwendal

 Irish Folk Music: This has been around since the 18th Century.
  The style of Irish Folk music uses ornamentation, variation in melodic and rhythmic patterns, phrasing and articulation.
Background of the band Gwendal:
Melodic Influences by Jazz, rock n roll
Jean-Marie Renard-brings 5 different musicians to form a band—with their musical influences of traditional, jazz, folk, and rock 'n' roll
Began with 5 members then in 1989 with the album “Glen River”—became 6
This song is in the style of a Celtic Irish Folk Music
The members of this band consist of:
·      Youenn Le Berre on the Flutes
·      Jean-Claude Phillippe on the Violin
·      Ludoe Mesnil on the Acoustic Guitar
·      Jerome Guenguen on the Keyboards
·      David Rusaouen on the drums

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