Wednesday, April 4, 2012


·      Mongolian form-ABA-ternary
·      Ternary form means that a form can be represented as a statement A, contrast or departure B, and then the return, A.
·      This piece uses triplets throughout the piece. 
·      A triplet is a group of three notes of equal duration notated as a group within a curved line and the number 3.
·      Dynamics
§  Dynamics are the degrees of loudness or softness in music
§  In this particular piece it goes from moderate-loud-soft-loud
§  Plucking of the Yatga and the Ekh Khuur makes the loudness more prominent
§  At time 1:02 the plucked instruments, Yatga and the Ekh Khuur are played softly.  So here, the dynamic is soft.
·      Tone color
§  The key change presents a contrasting tone color when its only the Morin Khuur and the Limbe.  This gives the piece more variety.
§  Then the starting melody comes back and ends with the piece. 
·      Cadence
§  It ends with a perfect authentic cadence
§   A perfect authentic cadence is when it goes from a dominant 5 chord to a 1 chord and both have to be on root position hand it hast to end with the 1 chord.
·      Themes: Theme A 0:0-0:58
Theme B  0:59-2:07
Theme C  2:08-2:19
Theme A   2:20-3:09
 I also hear slurs throughout the piece.
  Irish-Binary Form AB
·      A Binary form mean that it gives a sense of statement A, and counterstatement, B.
·      Uses triplets

·      Rhythmic ostinatos-a rhythm that is repeated in the same pitch throughout the peace. 
·      There is a basso continuo in the piece. 
§  A basso continuo is musical accompaniment that I continuous.  In this piece, the acoustic and bass guitar are used for the basso continuo. 
·      Dynamics
§  In this piece the dynamics stay the same throughout.  The piece just stays loud throughout the song.
·      Tone Color
§  The tone color in this piece is very clear.  You can hear each part clearly when the violin, piccolo and the bass guitar come in.
·      Cadence
§  At the end of each theme there is a cadence.
·      Themes
§  There are two themes that I hear in this piece
·      Theme A 0:0-1:17
Theme A 1:58-2:35
Theme C:2:36-3:58
 This piece also has slurs


·      Repetition in both—both rhythmic ostinatos
·      Sequences in both-repetition of a melodic pattern on a higher or lower pitch
·      They have different forms.  The traditional Mongolian piece is in ternary form and he the Irish folk song is in Binary form.

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